Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ok...all that business about me being excited about my "project" at work....NIX IT! My body hurts so bad, I cant even begin to explain it. Basically we (a team of 2, which is ridiculous btw) have to take 700 to 1000 photos of specific parts of the store inside and out (its about 25' out) and then measure specific parts. Well I cant take it. Call me fat, lazy or whatever but I cant take it! I'm sure my weight has something to do with it, but I'm pretty sure my fibromyalgia is kicking my ass. Everytime I think about going back tomorrow, I wanna cry....quit. I cant quit. Its my once chance to do something important, to show'em what I'm capable of. But I hurt.....BAD. On the upside, I called home and complained to my hubby and Kaity had me a "spot" on the couch with a heating blanket for my legs and dinner is ordered. I love them so much! =) So thats that. Off to dinner and hatchlings.

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