Saturday, March 10, 2012

"break up" with food

So, its been quite a while since I've been here last. Lots has happened since. I FINALLY got gastric bypass surgery and am very pleased. It was very hard at first. I had a very challenging period where I had to "break up" with food. I know that sounds crazy, but that is the best way I can describe it. I am finally at a point where I feel somewhat comfortable with my food choices, only struggling with protein. I never get enough protein. My hair is falling out very bad. I only wash my hair about 2 times a week and brush it only 1 time a day, because both of those things tend to pull out alot of hair......too much. It's scary, but I dont express my feeling about losing hair openly, because of Kait's struggles with her hair. On a good note, I have lost 77lbs in about 4.5 months. I'm very bored with my life right now. So bored, in fact, that I have started obsessively started cleaning. Anyone who knows the true me, knows that I have always been super lazy when it comes to house cleaning. Now, thats what I do. I clean and cook. I've taken an extra special liking to baking (even though I dont eat anything I bake). I like to make up my own recipes and expierment with toppings and fillings. My family doesnt particularly like baked goods so I always end up throwing some away. My mental state has been pretty rocky usual. =) That's when I usually come here. I dont like to openly talk about my mental state, and writing here kinda feels like I'm talking to someone. Anyway, thats it. That is all.....for now.